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Passing JSON data to .getJSON in jQuery?

I am trying to pass a JSON object to .getJSON but I keep getting a bad request error. This is what I am trying:

var data = {
    "SomeID": "18",
    "Utc": null,
    "Flags": "324"

$.getJSON("https://somewhere.com/AllGet?callback=?", JSON.stringify(data), function (result) {

Currently to get it working, I have to do this, but I do not like how I have to manually construct the query string:

$.getJSON("https://somewhere.com/AllGet?SomeID=18&Utc=&Flags=324&callback=?", null, function (result) {

Anyone know how to make requests easier with JSON objects being passed in? I would appreciate any help or advise.

according to the site, this is valid:

$.getJSON("test.js", { name: "John", time: "2pm" }, function(json) {
    alert("JSON Data: " + json.users[3].name);

so try:

var data = {
    SomeID: "18",
    Utc: null,
    Flags: "324"

$.getJSON("https://somewhere.com/AllGet?callback=?", data, function (result) {

edit: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.getJSON/

Dont use JSON.stringfy, just pass data as it is.

$.getJSON("https://somewhere.com/AllGet?callback=?", data, function (result) {

When you provide data to a jQuery GET request, it expects an object , not a JSON string, for constructing the query string parameters. Try changing your original code to just this:

$.getJSON("https://somewhere.com/AllGet?callback=?", data, function (result) {

why exactly do you need a callback? (Ow wait, jsonp) I'd try the following first:

$.getJSON("https://somewhere.com/AllGet?callback=?", data, function(result) {

somewhere in firebug and see if it returns what you expect. I'm not sure what a string as data does, but just giving an object works fine afaik.

You don't need to do JSON.stringfy , just pass the JSON object, jQuery will construct your URL parameter with that

$.getJSON("https://somewhere.com/AllGet?callback=?", data, function (result) {

I tried encoding the json and it worked.

Not sure how efficient or practical it is, sharing it just as a work around for above question.

 $.getJSON("https://somewhere.com/AllGet?data="+encodeURI(JSON.stringify(data)), function (result) {
$.getJSON("https://somewhere.com/AllGet?callback=?", {SomeID:"18",Utc:null,Flags:"324"}, function (result) {


var data = {
    "SomeID": "18",
    "Utc": null,
    "Flags": "324"

 function (result) {

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