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get data from server objective-c

I have a problem getting data from the server. server is my localhost.

    SMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"localhost"] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData timeoutInterval:10.0];

[request setHTTPMethod:@"GET"]; 
[request setHTTPBody:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"test.php"]];

NSURLConnection *connection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self]; 
if (connection)
    NSLog(@"NSURLConnection connection==true");
    NSURLResponse *response;
    NSError *err;
    NSData *responseData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&err];
    NSLog(@"responseData: %@", responseData);
    NSLog(@"NSURLConnection connection==false");

on localhost I have simple php script called test.php:

echo "It works!!!"

If I'm opening localhost/test.php in safari I can see "It works!!!"

试试@“http:// localhost”而不是@“localhost”]

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