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PHP function not accepting variable

i have a simple function to display some html.

function is included in the corefunctions.php file.

I call the function and pass a word to it, but nothing gets passed. Shows up as blank. What am i doing wrong?

function showCities($pagetype) {
echo "pagetypeis: ".$pagetype;

//more code


I call the function from another file like this

$pagetype = "places";

All i see on the screen is 'pagetypeis:'


This works just fine: (see it on tehplayground )

function showCities($pagetype) {
    echo "pagetypeis: ".$pagetype;

$pagetype = "places";

showCities($pagetype); #=> pagetypeis: places

In your function, try var_dump

function showCities($pagetype) {

What do you see?

It works for me here: http://codepad.org/vBALy4Yj

This is why it's good to use an IDE. If it were a misspelling, usually the IDE would warn you about it before even running the code. I recommend Eclipse or Zend Studio for Eclipse .

I guess the next thing I would check for is multiple definitions of function showCities() .

Try set error level to see notices.


May be you've mispelled variable name, eg "a" in $pagetype is cyrillic "a", not latin?


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