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Preserving lines with Jsoup

I am using Jsoup to get some data from html, I have this code:

System.out.println("nie jest");
StringBuffer url=new StringBuffer("http://www.darklyrics.com/lyrics/");

//wyciaganie odpowiednich klas z naszego htmla
Document doc=Jsoup.connect(url.toString()).get();
Element lyrics=doc.getElementsByClass("lyrics").first();
Element tracks=doc.getElementsByClass("albumlyrics").first();

//lista sciezek
int numberOfTracks=tracks.getElementsByTag("a").size();

Everything would be fine, I extracthe data I want, but when I do:


I get the text with no line breaks, so I am wondering how to leave line breaks in displayed text, I read other threads on stackoverflow on this matter but they weren't helpful, I tried to do something like this:

TextNode tex=TextNode.createFromEncoded(lyrics.text(), lyrics.baseUri());

but I can't get the text I want with line breaks. I looked at previous threads about this like, Removing HTML entities while preserving line breaks with JSoup but I can't get the effect I want. What should I do?

Edit: I got the effect I wanted but I don't think it is very good solution:

for (Node nn:listOfNodes)
                String s=Jsoup.parse(nn.toString()).text();
                if ((nn.nodeName()=="#text" || nn.nodeName()=="h3"))


Anyone got better idea?

You could get the text nodes (the text between <br /> s) by checking if the node is an instance of TextNode . This should work out for you:

Document document = Jsoup.connect(url.toString()).get();
Element lyrics = document.select(".lyrics").first();
StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(buffer);

for (Node node : lyrics.childNodes()) {
    if (node.nodeName().equals("h3")) {
        writer.println(((Element) node).text());
    } else if (node instanceof TextNode) {
        writer.println(((TextNode) node).text());


(please note that comparing the object's internal value should be done by equals() method, not == ; strings are objects, not primitives)

Oh, I also suggest to read their privacy policy .

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