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INVALID HEAP when using STL make_heap / push_heap / pop_heap

I have written simple wrapper for std::make_heap / push_heap / pop_heap:

template <typename T, typename Cont = std::vector<T>, typename Compare = std::less<typename Cont::value_type> >  
class Heap  
    inline void init() { std::make_heap(m_data.begin(), m_data.end(), Compare()); }  
    inline void push(const T & elm) { m_data.push_back(elm); std::push_heap(m_data.begin(), m_data.end(), Compare()); }  
    inline const T & top() const { return m_data.front(); }  
    inline void pop() { std::pop_heap(m_data.begin(), m_data.end(), Compare()); m_data.pop_back(); }  

    Cont m_data;  

which I use like:

class DeliveryComparator
    bool operator()(Delivery * lhs, Delivery * rhs)
        if(lhs->producer != rhs->producer) return *lhs->producer < *rhs->producer;  
        if(lhs->rate == rhs->rate) return lhs->diff < rhs->diff;  
        return lhs->rate < rhs->rate; 

Heap<Delivery*, std::vector<Delivery*>, DeliveryComparator> packages; 

But sometimes I get INVALID HEAP std debug message. I use heap just through proper Heap methods. When message occurs m_data are not empty.

What could be wrong with heap?

*I use MSVS2010

After editing the data of the heap (except those pending to add), the heap was destroyed. If you using push_heap() method next, this exception will be thrown out. You should use make_heap() instead of push_heap(). For example (btw, following example is the code snippet from my program):

if (highHeap[0] < solvedQuestions){ 
               lowHeap[lenghOfLowHeap++] = highHeap[0]; // *It only add a new item without destroy the heap 
               highHeap[0] = solvedQuestions;
               // Update the Heap
               push_heap(lowHeap, lowHeap + lenghOfLowHeap); 
               //push_heap(highHeap, highHeap + lenghOfHighHeap, greater<int>()); // invalid heap exception. Because the heap was destroyed by "highHeap[0] = solvedQuestions;"
               make_heap(highHeap, highHeap + lenghOfHighHeap, greater<int>());

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