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Is there a way to access __dict__ (or something like it) that includes base classes?

Suppose we have the following class hierarchy:

class ClassA:

    def foo(self): return "hello"

class ClassB(ClassA):

    def bar(self): return "world"

If I explore __ dict __ on ClassB like so, I only see the bar attribute:

for name,_ in ClassB.__dict__.items():

    if name.startswith("__"):


Output is bar

I can roll my own means to get attributes on not only the specified type but its ancestors. However, my question is whether there's already a way in python for me to do this without re-inventing a wheel.

def return_attributes_including_inherited(type):
    results = []
    return results

def return_attributes_including_inherited_helper(type,attributes):

    for name,attribute_as_object in type.__dict__.items():

        if name.startswith("__"):


    for base_type in type.__bases__:

Running my code as follows...

for attribute_name in return_attributes_including_inherited(ClassB):

... gives back both bar and foo.

Note that I'm simplifying some things: name collisions, using items() when for this example I could use dict, skipping over anything that starts with __, ignoring the possibility that two ancestors themselves have a common ancestor, etc.

EDIT1 - I tried to keep the example simple. But I really want both the attribute name and the attribute reference for each class and ancestor class. One of the answers below has me on a better track, I'll post some better code when I get it to work.

EDIT2 - This does what I want and is very succinct. It's based on Eli's answer below.

def get_attributes(type):

    attributes = set(type.__dict__.items())

    for type in type.__mro__:

    return attributes

It gives back both the attribute names and their references.

EDIT3 - One of the answers below suggested using inspect.getmembers. This appears very useful because it's like dict only it operates on ancestor classes as well.

Since a large part of what I was trying to do was find attributes marked with a particular descriptor, and include ancestors classes, here is some code that would help do that in case it helps anyone:

class MyCustomDescriptor:

    # This is greatly oversimplified

    def __init__(self,foo,bar):
        self._foo = foo
        self._bar = bar

    def __call__(self,decorated_function):
        return self

    def __get__(self,instance,type):

        if not instance:
            return self

        return 10

class ClassA:

    def foo(self): return "hello"

    def bar(self): pass

    def baz(self): pass

class ClassB(ClassA):

    def something_we_dont_care_about(self): return "world"

    def blah(self): pass

# This will get attributes on the specified type (class) that are of matching_attribute_type.  It just returns the attributes themselves, not their names.
def get_attributes_of_matching_type(type,matching_attribute_type):

    return_value = []

    for member in inspect.getmembers(type):

        member_name = member[0]
        member_instance = member[1]

        if isinstance(member_instance,matching_attribute_type):

    return return_value

# This will return a dictionary of name & instance of attributes on type that are of matching_attribute_type (useful when you're looking for attributes marked with a particular descriptor)
def get_attribute_name_and_instance_of_matching_type(type,matching_attribute_type):

    return_value = {}

    for member in inspect.getmembers(ClassB):

        member_name = member[0]
        member_instance = member[1]

        if isinstance(member_instance,matching_attribute_type):
            return_value[member_name] = member_instance

    return return_value

You should use python's inspect module for any such introspective capabilities.

>>> class ClassC(ClassB):
...     def baz(self):
...         return "hiya"
>>> import inspect
>>> for attr in inspect.getmembers(ClassC):
...   print attr
('__doc__', None)
('__module__', '__main__')
('bar', <property object at 0x10046bf70>)
('baz', <unbound method ClassC.baz>)
('foo', <property object at 0x10046bf18>)

Read more about the inspect module here .

You want to use dir :

for attr in dir(ClassB):
    print attr

Sadly there isn't a single composite object. Every attribute access for a (normal) python object first checks obj.__dict__ , then the attributes of all it's base classes; while there are some internal caches and optimizations, there isn't a single object you can access.

That said, one thing that could improve your code is to use cls.__mro__ instead of cls.__bases__ ... instead of the class's immediate parents, cls.__mro__ contains ALL the ancestors of the class, in the exact order Python would search, with all common ancestors occuring only once. That would also allow your type-searching method to be non-recursive. Loosely...

def get_attrs(obj):
    attrs = set(obj.__dict__)
    for cls in obj.__class__.__mro__:
    return sorted(attrs)

... does a fair approximation of the default dir(obj) implementation.

Here is a function I wrote, back in the day. The best answer is using the inspect module, as using __dict__ gives us ALL functions (ours + inherited) and (ALL?) data members AND properties. Where inspect gives us enough information to weed out what we don't want.

def _inspect(a, skipFunctionsAlways=True, skipMagic = True):
    """inspects object attributes, removing all the standard methods from 'object',
    and (optionally) __magic__ cruft.

    By default this routine skips __magic__ functions, but if you want these on
    pass False in as the skipMagic parameter.

    By default this routine skips functions, but if you want to see all the functions,
    pass in False to the skipFunctionsAlways function. This works together with the
    skipMagic parameter: if the latter is True, you won't see __magic__ methods.
    If skipFunctionsAlways = False and skipMagic = False, you'll see all the __magic__
    methods declared for the object - including __magic__ functions declared by Object

    NOT meant to be a comprehensive list of every object attribute - instead, a
    list of every object attribute WE (not Python) defined. For a complete list
    of everything call inspect.getmembers directly"""

    objType = type(object)
    def weWantIt(obj):
        #return type(a) != objType
        output= True
        if (skipFunctionsAlways):
            output = not ( inspect.isbuiltin(obj) ) #not a built in 

        asStr = ""
        if isinstance(obj, types.MethodType):
            if skipFunctionsAlways:  #never mind, we don't want it, get out.
                return False
                asStr = obj.__name__
                #get just the name of the function, we don't want the whole name, because we don't want to take something like:
                #bound method LotsOfThings.bob of <__main__.LotsOfThings object at 0x103dc70>
                #to be a special method because it's module name is special
                #WD-rpw 02-23-2008

                #TODO: it would be great to be able to separate out superclass methods
                #maybe by getting the class out of the method then seeing if that attribute is in that class?
            asStr = str(obj)

        if (skipMagic):
            output = (asStr.find("__") == -1 ) #not a __something__

        return (output)

    for value in inspect.getmembers( a, weWantIt ):
        yield value
{k: getattr(ClassB, k) for k in dir(ClassB)}

Proper values (instead of <property object...> ) will be presented when using ClassB instance.

And of course You can filter this by adding things like if not k.startswith('__') in the end.

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