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How to structure database calls in a page?

Ok so i am new to making complex database structure into the page. I have a basic people table with a few categories. Students, teachers, parents and mods. There are again tables one for parents, students and teachers/mods. Its basically a school's website.

Now for example for a profile page where a student's info is showed to parents. Info like who are teachers, subjects, attendance, homework, etc. This will query a lot of tables. So what is my best bet here? I plan to do it in a web-app way. I was thinking maybe i can JSON data to page with ajax and let javascript do the heavy lifting of calculation. All the tables will only be queried once.

So is it even ok to do so? or will i face some hidden problems when i have dug my feet too deep in it? Maybe i can go one more level deep and make a huge JSON with entire database being sent to user and then it is cached in the browser. I dont have to support really old browsers :)

Also things like attendance and marks/result will need to be calculated every time. Is there any way to cache the result per student? like wen a parent views a student's result, it calculates it once and then caches it for x number of days on the server somehow.


Another non JSON approach i can think of is traditional way. I do all the things on server side with php. This means i wont have to worry about browser compatibility. Maybe i can make a call to all the needed tables in the beginning and store it is an array. That way a table only gets called once too.


I read somewhere about battlefield 3 battlelog website. It is also made the same way. All the data is pulled from server with JSON and then calculated on client side. If that helps put my idea in perspective.

Probably to move away some misconceptions, but this is more a lengthy comment than an answer:

Your database has tables and fiels. That's perfectly valid. It's the job of a database server to store the data and handle the querying for you. Your own code will never be better in joining tables than the code of the database. Because the database server is optimized for the task.

So I think the idea to query all data and put it into your webapp via JSON is just a bad idea. Instead contact your server if you need specific data, the server will build the related SQL query, fire it up to the database server, get's the result back, converts the result into JSON and sends it back to the browser.

AJAX (Asynchronus Javascript and XML) just allows you to fetch data on the fly after the main portion of the page is painted. All things being equal it might be easier for you to design it as a standard (fetch data then paint the page) layout. If you design the application correctly the calls to do the individual components (Attendance, Teachers, Grades, etc.) can be gathered pre-page-render or post page render. There's obvious security concerns (URL hacking) by going the AJAX route, and I personally design non-AJAX as it's less flukey when things start going wierd.

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