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WCF Sessions in Mono

Which binding should I choose to enable sessions following is my service interface:

public interface IAkessaAbstractionService

    LoginDTO Login(string Username, byte[] Password, bool ForcefulLogin);

    string[] names();


when I use WSHttpBinding() as basicHttpBinding doesn't support sessions, I get the following error:

Exception during finishing channel acceptance. System.NotSupportedException: Channel type System.ServiceModel.Channels.IReplySessionChannel is not supported at etc etc....

and when I use WSDualHttpBinding() it throws the following error:

System.NotImplementedException: The requested feature is not implemented. at System.ServiceModel.WSDualHttpBinding.CreateBindingElements () [0x00000] in :0 at System.ServiceModel.Channels.CustomBinding..ctor (System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding binding) [0x00000] in :0

I am using mono version 2.10.2.


I don't know details of your needs...

But for doing a lot of reliable RPC , I use standard .NET Remoting .

I've designed systems with this principles: - Server Activated Objects - Single Call (No Singleton) - BinaryFormatter over TCP ( in my case I've complete control over network settings )

I use it with success in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS .

Regards, Giacomo

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