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LINQ to SQL where in (lambda syntax)

Can someone help me with this please? I would like a simple 'where in'. Here's the SQL that does what I want.

select ur.RoleID
from UserRoles ur
where ur.RoleID in (5, 15)

And here's my attempt. The method .IN() doesn't exist obviously, just put my aggrevated thoughts lol.

int roleid;
foreach (data r in dataList) {
    using (DataContext communityContext = new DataContext()) {
        roleid = communityContext.UserRoles
            .Where(x => x.UserID == r.ClientId && x.RoleID.IN(5, 15))
            .Select(x => x.RoleID)

As you mention In doesn't exist, se .Contains() instead if you have a list, in your case you could also use x.RoleId == 5 || x.RoleId == 15 x.RoleId == 5 || x.RoleId == 15


var allowedRoles = new int[] { 5, 15 };

then in your where clause do:

var setNumbers = new List<int>() { 5, 15};

communityContext.UserRoles.Where(x => x.UserID == r.ClientId)
                          .Where(x => setNumbers.Contains( x.RoleID ) )


I would rewrite it as...

int roleid;
var allowedRoles = new[] {5, 15};
foreach (data r in dataList) {
    using (DataContext communityContext = new DataContext()) {
        roleid = communityContext.UserRoles
            .First(x=> x.UserID == r.ClientId && allowedRoles.Contains(x.RoleID))

Also, I'm not sure why you are creating the datacontext inside the loop. That seems wasteful since the datacontext isn't dependent on the datalist.

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