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Ruby base64 to C# base64

I'm writing a Ruby/Rhomobile application that takes an image, encodes it in base64 and sends to the server(that is running C# on ASP.NET), as part of a bigger XML.

However, once I try to decode the base64 and save it to the hard disk, the resulting file does not work as an image.

Here's the relevant ruby code:

image_element = REXML::Element.new("image")
image_element.text = Base64.encode64(open(Rho::RhoApplication::get_blob_path(self.image_uri)) { |io| io.read })

And here is my C# code:

var doc = new XmlDocument();
var imageBase64 = doc.SelectNodes("//image")[0];
var imageBytes = imageBase64.InnerText;
using(var imgWriter = new FileStream(@"c:\img.jpg",FileMode.Create))

I would investigate your call to Server.UrlDecode. It seems like that could corrupt your data.

It seems like the "+" sign is of specific concern, per this SO question . Server.UrlDecode uses HttpServerUtility.UrlDecode, and here's the documentation for it .

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