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jQuery array populating mailto link adding commas

I have a list of links to pdfs. Users can check a checkbox for each pdf, and then submitting the form will launch an email (using mailto:) with the items they have selected.

Everything works fine, except in the body of the email, the selected pdfs array are separated by a comma, so the comma is appearing in the email body.

Can anyone please help me get rid of the comma that separates them?



Update your script like below and let me know if it works,

    var selectedpdfs = '';
    $('#send-email input:checkbox:checked').each(function(i){
        // All selected pdfs: gets link's text and link's url
        selectedpdfs += $(this).prev().text() + '%0a' + $(this).prev().attr('href') + '%0a%0a'
    window.location.href = 'mailto:?subject=Materials&body='+selectedpdfs
    return false;

Note: I modified selectedpdfs to a string object and changed it to string concatenation.

Array to String -> will return you a comma separated list of string.

use join() on the array to concatenate them into a string, you may speicfy which character to delimit.

eg selectedpdfs.join(' ') will return a string delimited by a space.

see http://jsfiddle.net/qiao/HmWf3/1/ for a live demo

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