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how to do a url rewrite in asp.net with just a username

I have an asp.net web application and right now users can get there profiles by putting int www.webdomain.com/page.aspx?usename=myusername. I would like to change it to www.webdomain.com/username. Thanks for any help.

Use the MVC routing. This is a good article on how to use the mvc routing with webforms:




Sample IRouteConstraint:

public class IsUserActionConstraint : IRouteConstraint
    //This is a static variable that handles the list of users
    private static List<string> _users;

    //This constructor loads the list of users on the first call
    public IsUserActionConstraint()
        _users= (from u in Models.Users.Get() select u.Username.ToLower()).ToList();

    //Code for checking to see if the route is a username
    public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext, Route route, string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection)
        return _users.Contains((values["username"] as string).ToLower());


And, to register the route in the Global.asax:

            "User Profile", // Route name
            new { controller = "User", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },//  This stuff is here for ASP.NET MVC
  new { IsUserAction = new IsUserActionConstraint() } //Your IRouteconstraint

In my case, my user list never changes during the application life cycle so I can cache it by using a static list. I would suggest that you modify the code so that you're doing what ever check to make sure the value entered is a username inside of the Match.

rewriterule www.webdomain.com/.+? www.webdomain.com/page.aspx?usename=$1

There are a few ways to do it. You could use ASP.NET MVC and create a route using a IRouteConstraint to make sure that the username exists.

You could also create an IHttpModule that captures the Application_BeginRequest and handel request for www.webdomain.com/username and ReWriting or TransferRequest them to www.webdomain.com/page.aspx?usename=myusername.

You could also do the code directly in the Global.asax the same way you would the IHttpModule.

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