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Bash Script Comparing File Sizes Issue

I'm running OS X.

So I'm having problems with a script to compare a file's size on my local HD, and a server. To do so, I use cURL to get the http header, and trim it to the size in KB. Then I use "stat" to get the local file's size.

Here's my code:

cd "$(dirname "$0")"

Local=$(stat -f "%z" ./Google.png)
Remote=$(curl -sI http://www.google.com/intl/en_com/images/srpr/logo3w.png | grep Content-Length | awk '{print $2}')
declare -i Local
declare -i Remote
echo $Local
echo $Remote

if [ $Local != $Remote ]; then
  echo "Different sizes."
  echo "Same size."

No matter if the sizes are equal or not, I get:

Different sizes.

I'm really desperate on this one, can anyone help?

使用[ $n -eq $k ]比较数字。

curl's output has lines terminated with carriage-return+linefeed (\\r\\n), not just linefeed (\\n); the carriage return is getting included in the value of Remote, and causing the confusion. You could remove it by piping through tr -d "\\r" , but it's probably simpler to have awk do it (and the search, for that matter):

Remote=$(curl -sI http://www.google.com/intl/en_com/images/srpr/logo3w.png | awk '/Content-Length/ {sub("\r",""); print $2}')

BTW, I don't think that the declare -i commands are doing anything useful (since Local and Remote have already been set).

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