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Using Java NIO with Unix Domain sockets in non-blocking mode with selectors

Is there a way to use Unix Domain sockets with Java NIO? I want to use NIO so that I can use Selectors on it in a single thread.

I had a look at junixsocket but it only seems to support normal Sockets not NIO channels that support selectors.

You can use the project jnr-unixsocket,( https://github.com/jnr/jnr-unixsocket ) which is the far most advanced implementation I've seen. It does exactely what you want : nio concepts Selectors, Channels etc

Look @ https://github.com/jnr/jnr-unixsocket/tree/master/src/test/java/jnr/unixsocket/example

I confirm XNIO supports the use of Unix domain sockets, as "local sockets". In addition to release note mention, here are:

But none of XNIO channels implement SelectableChannel so I fear you will not be able to use Selectors.

I propose you post an issue to improve this situation, both in XNIO and also in GNU ClassPath project where LocalSocket.getSocketChannel returns null .

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