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How to hash a password and save into a database table?

I have a form register.aspx and a login function and I am using vb.net

In my register.aspx I have two textboxes, for user name and password and a submit button. If the user click's on the submit button, the password will be hashed and stored with the username in the database table called Customer

I would like to know-

1) How to hash a password?

2) How to compare the hashed value in database with the password entered in the textbox while login?

To answer your questions in order.

  1. You simply use one of the crypto classes, following the documentaion .
  2. You store the hashed value in the database, so when you query the database, you use the hash.

Psuedo code:

Function GetUser(name, password)
    hashedPassword = Hash(password)
    sqlcmd = 'select userkey from user where username = @name and password = @pass'
    add cmd parameter ('@name', name)
    add cmd parameter ('@pass', hashedPassword)
    userKey = cmd.executequry
    Return userkey
 End Function

That said, don't do this if you can implement OpenID instead. The world really doesn't need another site where you have to remember or share a password for no good reason.

You may use FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile static method (System.Web.Security namespace).

Dim plain="abc"
Dim hash= FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(plain, "MD5")

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