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Handle C# events in C++ unmanaged code using COM-Interop

I have a TcpSocketServer written in C# and I want to use it in native C++ without CLI. The class rises events on client connection/disconnection and when data is received. Untill now I got the server working and accepting connection, however I still can't send/receive data.

Notice that this is one of several classes I need to work with, so please do not suggest me to use native C++ sockets.

The (relevant) C# code is bellow:

public delegate void TcpClientConnectedEventHandler(Socket s);

public delegate void TcpClientDisconnectedEventHandler(EndPoint ep);

public delegate void TcpDataReceivedEventHandler(TcpPacket p);

public interface ISocketTcpServer
    event TcpClientConnectedEventHandler ClientConnected;
    event TcpClientDisconnectedEventHandler ClientDisconnected;
    event TcpDataReceivedEventHandler DataReceived;

    int SendToAll(byte[] buffer);

Now, in C++ I have the following (relevant) code:

// Function Prototypes
void onClientConnected();
void onClientDisconnected();
void onDataReceived(ITcpPacket *packet);
VARIANT_BOOL started(ISocketTcpServer *server);
long send(ISocketTcpServer *server, char *s);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    ISocketTcpServer *server = NULL;
    _TcpDataReceivedEventHandler *dataReceivedPtr = NULL;
    _TcpClientConnectedEventHandler *clientConnectedPtr = NULL;
    _TcpClientDisconnectedEventHandler *clientDisconnectedPtr = NULL;
    char sInput[1024];

    std::cout << "C# Sockets Interop example.\r\n";

    // Initialize COM.

    // Create the interface pointers.
    HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(SocketTcpServer), NULL,
        CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(ISocketTcpServer), (void **)&server);

    if((hr != S_OK) || (server == NULL))
        std::cout << "Create instance failed\r\n";
        return 0;

    // Configure TCP Server
    dataReceivedPtr = (_TcpDataReceivedEventHandler *)&onDataReceived;
    clientConnectedPtr = (_TcpClientConnectedEventHandler *)&onClientConnected;
    clientDisconnectedPtr =
        (_TcpClientDisconnectedEventHandler *)&onClientDisconnected;


    // Start TCP Server
    std::cout << "Starting TCP Server on port 2000.\r\n";
    while(!started(server)) Sleep(100);
        std::cin >> sInput;
        send(server, sInput);

    // Uninitialize COM.
    return 0;

long send(ISocketTcpServer *server, char *s)
    long result = 0;
    server->SendToAll((SAFEARRAY *) s, &result);
    return result;

All other functions have its definition and works fine, so I did'n include them.

The main question is: How must be declared the functions which will handle the events to get it work. I supose they are not working because they do not match the asociated delegate, but I can not access the classes Socket and EndPoint of the .NET Framework.

Also the method

SendToAll(byte[] buffer):int

mapped to the function

SendToAll(SAFEARRAY *buffer, long *pRetVal):HRESULT

but may be this is a cast problem.

Any help or tip you could give me will be usefull.

Taanks in advance.

Assuming that you know how to handle the events from a standard COM component in VC++ (I'm not a C++ dev so I can't help with that part), then the best thing to do is to make your C# look like it is a standard COM component using the ComSourceInterfacesAttribute . MSDN has a simplistic How To on doing this.

Your C# code will end up looking something like this (note, I removed the [ComVisible(true)] attributes since they are unnecessary if your assembly is marked with it):

public delegate void TcpClientConnectedEventHandler(Socket s);
public delegate void TcpClientDisconnectedEventHandler(EndPoint ep);
public delegate void TcpDataReceivedEventHandler(TcpPacket p);

public interface ISocketTcpServerEvents
    void ClientConnected;
    void ClientDisconnected;
    void DataReceived;

public class SocketTcpServer
    public event TcpClientConnectedEventHandler ClientConnected;
    public event TcpClientDisconnectedEventHandler ClientDisconnected;
    public event TcpDataReceivedEventHandler DataReceived;

    int SendToAll(byte[] buffer);

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