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Remove an item from an array by value

I have an array of items like:

var items = [id: "animal", type: "cat", cute: "yes"]

And I'm trying to remove any items that match the ID given. In this case; animal

I'm stuck! I can get it to work easily by having a more simpler array but this is not what I need... I also need to remove the item by value as I don't want the hassle of referring to items by their index.

Is there a jQuery method I could use where I don't need to iterate through the items array, rather specify a selector?

Here is my jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/zafrX/

I'm not sure how much of a hassle it is to refer to array items by index. The standard way to remove array items is with the splice method

for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
    if (items[i] === "animal") { 
        items.splice(i, 1);

And of course you can generalize this into a helper function so you don't have to duplicate this everywhere.


I just noticed this incorrect syntax:

var items = [id: "animal", type: "cat", cute: "yes"]

Did you want something like this:

 var items = [ {id: "animal",  type: "cat", cute: "yes"}, {id: "mouse",  type: "rodent", cute: "no"}];

That would change the removal code to this:

for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
    if (items[i].id && items[i].id === "animal") { 
        items.splice(i, 1);

No need for jQuery or any third party lib for this, now we can use the new ES5 filter :

let myArray = [{ id : 'a1', name : 'Rabbit'}, { id : 'a2', name : 'Cat'}];
myArray = myArray.filter(i => i.id !== 'a1');

You can either use splice or run a delete yourself. Here's an example:

for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i ++) {
    if (items[i] == "animal") { 
        items.splice(i, 1);

There's a simple way!

myItems.splice(myItems.indexOf(myItems.find(row => row.id == id)), 1);

Demo below:

 // define function function delete_by_id(id) { var myItems = [{ id: 1, type: "cat", cute: "yes" }, { id: 2, type: "rat", cute: "yes" }, { id: 3, type: "mouse", cute: "yes" }]; // before console.log(myItems); myItems.splice(myItems.indexOf(myItems.find(item => item.id == id)), 1); // after console.log(myItems); } // call function delete_by_id(1);

You should do it like this (make sure that you have the right syntax...you cannot have array with properties, but object inside {} and then you can iterate by keys and delete unwanted key):

var items = {id: "animal", type: "cat", cute: "yes"}
var removeItem = "animal"; // or with the ID matching animal...

for(var p in items){
    if(items[p] === removeItem)
        delete items[p]

And to answer you question, you cannot apply jquery selectors to javascript objects. The best you can do to avoid for loop is to use $.each (which is a loop written in a more "functional" way).

By using object notation : http://jsfiddle.net/jrm2k6/zafrX/2/

var animal1 = {id: "animal", type: "cat", cute: "yes"}
var car2 = {id: "car", type: "pick-up", cute: "no"}
var animal3 = {id: "animal", type: "dog", cute: "yes"}
var removeItem = "animal"; // or with the ID matching animal...

var array_items = []

for(var i=0;i<array_items.length;i++){
    if(array_items[i].id == removeItem){


Wow, so many ideas but still not what I wanted xD

This will remove ALL entries of the given value and return the removed value:

function removeOfArray(val, arr){
    var idx;
    var ret;
    while ((idx = arr.indexOf(val)) > -1){
        arr.splice(idx, 1);
        ret = val;
    return ret;

Also I found other solutions here: Remove item from array by value

-parray : list of array of object
-pstring :value to remove from the array
-ptag :using which tag we

 function removeFromArr (parray,ptag,pstring){ var b =[]; var count = 0; for (var i =0;i<parray.length;i++){ if(pstring != parray[i][ptag]){ b[count] = parray[i]; count++; } } return b; } var lobj = [ { "SCHEME_CODE": "MIP65", "YEARS": "1", "CURRENCY": "GBP", "MAX_AMT": 200000, "MIN_AMT": 1000, "AER_IR": "1.80", "FREQUENCY": "Monthly", "CUST_TYPE": "RETAIL", "GROSS_IR": "1.79" }, { "SCHEME_CODE": "MIP65", "YEARS": "2", "CURRENCY": "GBP", "MAX_AMT": 200000, "MIN_AMT": 1000, "AER_IR": "1.98", "FREQUENCY": "Monthly", "CUST_TYPE": "RETAIL", "GROSS_IR": "1.96" }, { "SCHEME_CODE": "MIP65", "YEARS": "3", "CURRENCY": "GBP", "MAX_AMT": 200000, "MIN_AMT": 1000, "AER_IR": "2.05", "FREQUENCY": "Monthly", "CUST_TYPE": "RETAIL", "GROSS_IR": "2.03" }, { "SCHEME_CODE": "MIP65", "YEARS": "5", "CURRENCY": "GBP", "MAX_AMT": 200000, "MIN_AMT": 1000, "AER_IR": "2.26", "FREQUENCY": "Monthly", "CUST_TYPE": "RETAIL", "GROSS_IR": "2.24" }, { "SCHEME_CODE": "QIP65", "YEARS": "1", "CURRENCY": "GBP", "MAX_AMT": 200000, "MIN_AMT": 1000, "AER_IR": "1.80", "FREQUENCY": "Quarterly", "CUST_TYPE": "RETAIL", "GROSS_IR": "1.79" }, { "SCHEME_CODE": "QIP65", "YEARS": "2", "CURRENCY": "GBP", "MAX_AMT": 200000, "MIN_AMT": 1000, "AER_IR": "1.98", "FREQUENCY": "Quarterly", "CUST_TYPE": "RETAIL", "GROSS_IR": "1.97" }, ] function myFunction(){ var final = removeFromArr(lobj,"SCHEME_CODE","MIP65"); console.log(final); }
 <html> <button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button> </html>

are going to remove from the objects

function removeFromArr(parray, pstring, ptag) {
        var farr = [];
        var count = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < pa.length; i++) {
            if (pstring != pa[i][ptag]) {
                farr[count] = pa[i];
        return farr;

ES6 解决方案

persons.splice(persons.findIndex((pm) => pm.id === personToDelete.id), 1);

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