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How to use the jQuery Ajax success method from another page without re-writing the whole part?

How can i use this function always but only extend the success: function.. to my seperate callback?


// one time written and will be uesd 100 times without re-write the same thing.
function useEveryWhere(url, par) {
      type: "POST",
      dataType: "json",
      url: url, //PHP call
      data: par,
      async: true,
      success : function(msg) {}            


// Here i need the success: function with different task 
ueEveryWhere(url, parameters); 


// Here i need the success: function with different task too not same as anotherpage1.js
ueEveryWhere(url, parameters); 

How do i have that global.js success method in any other scripts too, where i have random task not all are same.

You can use the ajaxSucess function to specify a global sucess method, and change useEveryWhere to accept a success function:

function useEveryWhere(url, par, sucess) {
      type: "POST",
      dataType: "json",
      url: url, //PHP call
      data: par,
      async: true,
      success : sucess      


useEveryWhere(url, parameters, function() { ... }); 


useEveryWhere(url, parameters, function() { ... }); 

You can use Global AJAX Event Handlers with jQuery: http://api.jquery.com/category/ajax/global-ajax-event-handlers/

Just add: $.ajaxSuccess(function () { /*code here*/ }); and every AJAX response that is a success will run the code.

Use jQuery $.Deferred objects:

$.when(useEveryWhere(url, parameters)).done(function() { /* callback 1 */ });
$.when(useEveryWhere(url, parameters)).done(function() { /* callback 2 */ });

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