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How to read the body of the HTTP Request using Netty?

Im using netty3.3 version, I want to read the Body of the HTTP Request which i received. How it is posssible through NETTY 3.3.

Can any body help me.

In your SimpleChannelHandler implemented class, override the messageReceived method like following,

    public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) throws Exception {
        HttpRequest request = (HttpRequest) e.getMessage();
        ChannelBuffer content = request.getContent();
        LOGGER.info("Received Message[{}][{}]", request.getUri(), content.toString("UTF-8")); // Printing the URI and message body

content.toString("UTF-8") will give the body.

Just use:

((HttpMessage) e.getMessage()).getContent();

See [1].

[1] http://netty.io/docs/stable/api/org/jboss/netty/handler/codec/http/HttpMessage.html

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