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Perl match newline in `-0` mode


Suppose I have a file like this:

I've got a loverly bunch of coconut trees.


the end.

I'd like to replace an occurence of "Newlines!" that is surrounded by blank lines with (say) NEWLINES!. So, ideal output is:

I've got a loverly bunch of coconut trees.


the end.


Ignoring "surrounded by newlines", I can do:

perl -p -e 's@Newlines!@NEWLINES!@g' input.txt

Which replaces all occurences of "Newlines!" with "NEWLINES!".

Now I try to pick out only the "Newlines!" surrounded with \\n:

perl -p -e 's@\nNewlines!\n@\nNEWLINES!\n@g' input.txt

No luck (note - I don't need the s switch because I'm not using . and I don't need the m switch because I'm not using ^ and $ ; regardless, adding them doesn't make this work). Lookaheads/behinds don't work either:

perl -p -e 's@(?<=\n)Newlines!(?=\n)@NEWLINES!@g' input.txt

After a bit of searching, I see that perl reads in the file line-by-line (makes sense; sed does too). So, I use the -0 switch:

perl -0p -e 's@(?<=\n)Newlines!(?=\n)@NEWLINES!@g' input.txt

Of course this doesn't work -- -0 replaces new line characters with the null character.

So my question is -- how can I match this pattern (I'd prefer not to write any perl beyond the regex 's@pattern@replacement@flags' construct)?

Is it possible to match this null character? I did try:

perl -0p -e 's@(?<=\0)Newlines!(?=\0)@NEWLINES!@g' input.txt

to no effect.

Can anyone tell me how to match newlines in perl? Whether in -0 mode or not? Or should I use something like awk ? (I started with sed but it doesn't seem to have lookahead/behind support even with -r . I went to perl because I'm not at all familiar with awk).


(PS: this question is not what I'm after because their problem had to do with a .+ matching newline).


perl -0pe 's@(?<=\n\n)Newlines!(?=\n\n)@NEWLINES!@g'

If the file is small enough to be slurped into memory all at once:

perl -0777 -pe 's/\n\nNewlines!(?=\n\n)/\n\nNEWLINES!/g'

Otherwise, keep a buffer of the last three lines read:

perl -ne 'push @buffer, $_; $buffer[1] = "NEWLINES!\n" if @buffer == 3 && ' \
      -e 'join("", @buffer) eq "\nNewlines!\n\n"; ' \
      -e 'print shift @buffer if @buffer == 3; END { print @buffer }'

I think they way you went about things caused you to combine possible solutions in a way that didn't work.

if you use the inline editing flag you can do it like this:

perl -0p -i.bk -e 's/\n\nNewlines!\n\n/\n\nNEWLINES!\n\n/g' input.txt

I have doubled the \\n's to make sure you only get the ones with empty lines above and below.

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