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PHP- MySQL Search Criteria

I've developed a database having multiple fields-- approx 65 fields. I wish to give a multiple search criteria to my users,ie by selecting various field names in the drop down menu. I'm unable to execute it by using simple IF-ELSEIF- ELSE Statements. It gives results for only the first IF statement, while ignores the rest.

Following is the html page:

<form name="frm" action="search_plants.php" method="get">
                    <td width="155" height="24">Select Scientific Name:</td>
      <td width="275">
                        <select name="spnm" size="1">       
                        <option value="0">  All</option>    
                        <option value="Abrus precatorius">  Abrus precatorius</option>  
                        <option value="Abutilon indicum">  Abutilon indicum</option>                    
                        <option value="Abutilon theophrasti"> Abutilon theophrasti</option>                 

                    <td>Select Family Name:</td>
                        <select name="fmnm" size="1">   
                        <option value="0">  All</option>
                        <option value="Fabaceae">Fabaceae</option>
                        <option value="Malvaceae">Malvaceae</option>
                        <option value="Mimosaceae">Mimosaceae</option>                      

                    <td>Select Geographic Location:</td>
                        <select name="znm" size="1">                    
                        <option value="0">  All</option>
                        <option value="North Gujarat">North Gujarat</option>
                        <option value="South Gujarat">South Gujarat</option>
                        <option value="South East Gujarat">South East Gujarat</option>      
                        <option value="Central Gujarat">Central Gujarat</option>
                        <option value="Kachchh">Kachchh</option>
                        <option value="Saurashtra">Saurashtra</option>

                    <td>Select Marker:</td>
                        <select name="pnm" size="1">                    
                        <option value="0">  All</option>
                        <option value="rbcL">rbcL</option>      
                        <option value="psbA-trnH">psbA-trnH</option>    
                        <option value="matK">matK</option>  
                        <option value="rpoC1">rpoC1</option>    
                        <option value="ITS2">ITS2</option>  
                        <option value="ycf5">ycf5</option>      

                        <input type="submit" value="Go" name="action">
                        <input type="reset" name="Reset" id="button" value="Reset">
                        </label>                        </td>

And the form action page is as follows, depicting only a part of the entire coding. I want to give the user an option of selecting any/all fields and be able to display it by selective search from the database. Please help me out.

if (($species == 0) || ($family == 0) || ($zones ==0 ) || ($marker == 0))   
        if(($species==0) && ($family==0) && ($zones==0))
            $sql="SELECT * FROM `ncbi_bold_ plants` WHERE Marker LIKE '$marker%'" ;

        elseif($species==0 &&  $family==0 &&  $marker==0)
        $sql="SELECT * FROM `ncbi_bold_ plants` WHERE Zones LIKE '%$zones%'";

        elseif($family==0 &&  $zones==0 &&  $marker==0)
        $sql="select * from `ncbi_bold_ plants` where Speciesname like '$species%'";


        elseif($species==0 &&  $zones==0 &&  $marker==0)
            $sql="select * from `ncbi_bold_ plants` where Family like '$family%'";

    elseif($species==0 && $marker==0)
        $sql="select * from `ncbi_bold_ plants` where Family like '$family%' AND Zones like '%$zones%'";
        $search_sql=mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error("There was an error.<br/>" . mysql_error() . "<br />SQL Was: {$sql}");
    elseif($family==0 && $zones==0 && $marker==0)
        $sql="select * from `ncbi_bold_ plants` where Speciesname like '$species%'";
        $search_sql=mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error("There was an error.<br/>" . mysql_error() . "<br />SQL Was: {$sql}");
    elseif($species==0 && $family==0)
        $sql="select * from `ncbi_bold_ plants` where Zones like '%$zones%' AND marker like '$marker%'";
        $search_sql=mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error("There was an error.<br/>" . mysql_error() . "<br />SQL Was: {$sql}");
    elseif($species==0 && $zones==0)
        $sql="select * from `ncbi_bold_ plants` where Family like '$family%' AND marker like '$marker%'";
        $search_sql=mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error("There was an error.<br/>" . mysql_error() . "<br />SQL Was: {$sql}");
    elseif($species==0 && $marker==0)
        $sql="select * from `ncbi_bold_ plants` where Family like '$family%' AND Zones like '%$zones%'";
        $search_sql=mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error("There was an error.<br/>" . mysql_error() . "<br />SQL Was: {$sql}");
        $sql="SELECT * FROM `ncbi_bold_ plants` " ;


        $sql="select * from `ncbi_bold_ plants` where Speciesname like '$species%' and Family like '$family%' and Zones like '%$zones%' and Marker like '$marker%'";


    $search_sql=mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error("There was an error.<br/>" . mysql_error() . "<br />SQL Was: {$sql}");

please help me for the same. I'm unable to find a flaw in the if statement.

Try this simple function:

function create_query($p_species, $p_family, $p_zones, $p_marker) {
  $options = array(
    'Speciesname' => $p_species,
    'Family' => $p_family,
    'Zones' => $p_zones,
    'Marker' => $p_marker
  $cond = '';
  $noopt = true;
  foreach ($options as $column => $value) {
    if ($value !== 0) {
      $noopt = false;
      if ($cond != '') $cond .= ' AND ';
      $cond .= "$column LIKE '%$value%'";
  return $noopt ? false : "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_ plants WHERE $cond;";

This function returns false if all parameters are zero, otherwise it returns query string.

Example #1:

$species = 'spectest';
$family = 0;
$zones = 'zonestest';
$marker = 0;

echo create_query($species, $family, $zones, $marker);


SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_ plants WHERE Speciesname LIKE '%spectest%' AND Zones LIKE '%zonestest%';

Example #2:

$species = 0;
$family = 0;
$zones = 0;
$marker = 0;

var_dump(create_query($species, $family, $zones, $marker));



Or, if you want to return query string without conditions instead of false , just replace return line in the function with:

return $noopt ? "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_ plants;" : "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_ plants WHERE $cond;";

Now if you want to do this in your way with a lot of IF, ELSEIF and ELSE statements, there's solution:

Solution without function

(it works the same way like function above):

  if ($species == 0 && $family == 0 && $zones == 0 && $marker == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants"; } elseif ($species == 0 && $family == 0 && $zones == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Marker LIKE '$marker%'"; } elseif ($species == 0 && $family == 0 && $marker == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Zones LIKE '$zones%'"; } elseif ($species == 0 && $zones == 0 && $marker == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Family LIKE '$family%'"; } elseif ($family == 0 && $zones == 0 && $marker == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Speciesname LIKE '$species%'"; } elseif ($species == 0 && $family == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Zones LIKE '$zones%' AND Marker LIKE '$marker%'"; } elseif ($species == 0 && $zones == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Family LIKE '$family%' AND Marker LIKE '$marker%'"; } elseif ($species == 0 && $marker == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Family LIKE '$family%' AND Zones LIKE '$zones%'"; } elseif ($family == 0 && $zones == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Speciesname LIKE '$species%' AND Marker LIKE '$marker%'"; } elseif ($family == 0 && $marker == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Speciesname LIKE '$species%' AND Zones LIKE '$zones%'"; } elseif ($zones == 0 && $marker == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Speciesname LIKE '$species%' AND Family LIKE '$family%'"; } elseif ($species == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Family LIKE '$family%' AND Zones LIKE '$zones%' AND Marker LIKE '$marker%'"; } elseif ($family == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Speciesname LIKE '$species%' AND Zones LIKE '$zones%' AND Marker LIKE '$marker%'"; } elseif ($zones == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Speciesname LIKE '$species%' AND Family LIKE '$family%' AND Marker LIKE '$marker%'"; } elseif ($marker == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Speciesname LIKE '$species%' AND Family LIKE '$family%' AND Zones LIKE '$zones%'"; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants WHERE Speciesname LIKE '$species%' AND Family LIKE '$family%' AND Zones LIKE '$zones%' AND Marker LIKE '$marker%'"; } // here you have your $sql ... now do whatever you want with your query echo $sql; 

This code has been tested with every possible situation so if it still doesn't work, your problem is not in PHP example you posted above. I don't recommend this way because this is totally wrong approach, even for beginners.

If you still want to make it with IF/ELSE/ELSEIF consider condition(s) checking IF variable IS NOT EQUAL to zero. You'll get less code and easier implementation. Something like this:

Different aproach

 $species = 0; $family = 0; $zones = 0; $marker = 0; // default query w/out conditions $sql = "SELECT * FROM ncbi_bold_plants"; // conditions array $conditions = array(); // adding condition to array for every parameter <> 0 if ($species != 0) $conditions[] = "Speciesname LIKE '$species%'"; if ($family != 0) $conditions[] = "Family LIKE '$family%'"; if ($zones != 0) $conditions[] = "Zones LIKE '$zones%'"; if ($marker != 0) $conditions[] = "Marker LIKE '$marker%'"; // all we need now is to concatenate array elements with " AND " glue $sql_cond = join(" AND ", $conditions); // last thing, adding condition(s) to the main query (if there's any) if ($sql_cond != '') $sql .= " WHERE $sql_cond"; // let see what we have now echo $sql; 

First 4 lines are for testing only. Now, we have same solution like previous ones but with less code (8 lines only).

Hope this helps.

Why not create dynamic dropdown menu from the fields? For eg. (I am using this on my own page, you'll have to edit the SQL syntax/query accordingly

echo "\n\t<select name='cat'>";
echo "\n\t\t<option value=''>Search all...</option>";
$connect = mysql_connect( <connection settings> );
$ctgTableCmd = "SELECT name FROM offliner.ctgtable ORDER BY name ASC";
$getCtg = mysql_query( $ctgTableCmd );
while( $ctgTable = mysql_fetch_array( $getCtg ) )
    $ctgVal = $ctgTable[0];
    echo "\n\t\t<option value=$ctgTable[0]>" . ucfirst( $ctgTable[0] ) . "</option>";

you can do like this code.first customize for yourself :

$where = '';
    foreach($_POST as $k=>$v)
        $q[] = $k.' LIKE \'%'.$v.'%\'';
    $where = implode(' AND ',$q);
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `ncbi_bold_ plants` WHERE '.$where;
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `ncbi_bold_ plants`"; 
try using following approach



$sql="SELECT * FROM `ncbi_bold_ plants` WHERE $column LIKE '%".$val."%'" ;

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