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Vim pauses if echo in .vimrc file

I'm having a little problem with vim. I'm using Debian testing and --version gives

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15, compiled Dec  1 2011 03:25:24)

In my .vimrc file, if I use an echo statement, it will pause the running of vim with the following statement:

Press ENTER or type command to continue

Then vim will run as normal. This was from adding simply:

echo "Hello"

to the bottom of .vimrc

How can I stop this pausing behaviour, if at all?

Thanks, Narnie

:silent !echo Hello

will do the trick.

From the OP, this worked:

let colorScheme = "evening"
silent execute "!echo setting color scheme to " . colorScheme

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