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cscope not working with shortcuts in .vimrc file

I am trying to add shortcuts to cscope usage by adding the following statements in .vimrc file.

" cscope mappings
if has("cscope")
nmap <C-\>s :scs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>

I sourced the file using :so ~/.vimrc in the vim application.

However, when i click Ctrl+\\ and s my terminal hangs. Please help. My shell is /usr/local/bin/tcsh



The reason it hangs might be because you are not pressing the mapping correctly. Press ctrl+\\ then s .But you might be pressing ctrl+s that is causing the hang. To make sure if it's ctrl+s that is the culprit try ctrl+q see if terminal restores then you can proceed.

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