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Using LIKE statement in SQLite 3 from Objective-C

I am running with one LIKE statement problem. The situation is that:

  1. I'm saving phone number and name associated with that number from the contact book to app's db.

  2. Then I am displaying this name in the uitableview by firing this query ...

     NSString *sqlTemp =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"select name from phoneData where number like %'%@'%",number1]; 

    number1 is (NSString *) , the number I'm using is formatted like this (+international country code number) . However number saved in db might be without country code and not prefixed with " + " symbol.

So my question is that even if number saved in the contacts book is not according to the international phone number, how can I ensure that it matches the other digits in the number?

Can any one suggest me some solution to this?

Here is what you can do:

NSRange range = NSMakeRange (3, [number1 length] - 3);
NSString *noPrefixNumber = [number1 substringWithRange:range];
NSString  *sqlTemp =[NSString  stringWithFormat:@"select name from phoneData where number like %'%@'%",noPrefixNumber ];

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