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Java - Is it common practice to use a hashtable (eg HashMap) to map objects to themselves?

I'm making a java application that is going to be storing a bunch of random words (which can be added to or deleted from the application at any time). I want fast lookups to see whether a given word is in the dictionary or not. What would be the best java data structure to use for this? As of now, I was thinking about using a hashMap, and using the same word as both a value and the key for that value. Is this common practice? Using the same string for both the key and value in a (key,value) pair seems weird to me so I wanted to make sure that there wasn't some better idea that I was overlooking.

I was also thinking about alternatively using a treeMap to keep the words sorted, giving me an O(lgn) lookup time, but the hashMap should give an expected O(1) lookup time as I understand it, so I figured that would be better.

So basically I just want to make sure the hashMap idea with the strings doubling as both key and value in each (key,value) pair would be a good decision. Thanks.

I want fast lookups to see whether a given word is in the dictionary or not. What would be the best java data structure to use for this?

This is the textbook usecase of a Set . You can use a HashSet . The naive implementation for Set<T> uses a corresponding Map<T, Object> to simply mark whether the entry exists or not.

If you're storing it as a collection of words in a dictionary, I'd suggest taking a look at Tries. They require less memory than a Set and have quick lookup times of worst case O(string length) .

Any class that is a Set should help your purpose. However, Do note that Set will not allow for duplicates. For that matter, even a Map won't allow duplicate keys. I would suggest on using a an ArrayList (assuming synchronization is not needed) if you need to add duplicate entries and treat them as separate.

My only concern would be memory, if you use the HashSet and if you have a very large collection of words... Then you will have to load the entire collection in the memory... If that's not a problem.... (And your collection must be very large for this to be a problem)... Then the HashSet should be fine... If you indeed have a very large collection of words, then you can try to use a tree, and only load in memory the parts that you are interested in.

Also keep in mind that insertion is fast, but not as fast as in a tree, remember that for this to work, Java is going to insert every element sorted. Again, nothing major, but if you add a lot of words at a time, you may consider using a tree...

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