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Reading/Writing files in JavaScript

I'm trying to make a web app that will read in a server-side CSV file and display it in a neat, browsable format. The catch is that I want to do it in naked JS/CSS3/HTML5. Is there any way to read and write server-side files with naked JS/CSS3/HTML5? I obviously want this to be OS/browser independent.

What I've tried

I have tried implementing some code I found online (a few sites reference it). Below is what I tried while testing: (I just want the test to show the contents of the webpage, itself, in the webpage)

scriptTest.htm :

<script type="text/javascript" src="readIt.JS"></script>
<button onclick="return readIt();">Show the code of the page</button>
<div id="readItOutput"></div>

readIt.JS :

function readIt()
    file = fopen(getScriptPath("scriptTest.htm"), 0);
    file_length = flength(file);
    content = fread(file, file_length);
    document.getElementById("readIt").innerText = content;

However, whenever I run it, under Opera and Chrome, it throws the following:


Uncaught exception: ReferenceError: Undefined variable: fopen
Error thrown at line 3, column 1 in readIt() in http://s.supuhstar.operaunite.com/s/content/JS/readIt.JS:
    file = fopen(getScriptPath("scriptTest.htm"), 0);
called from line 1, column 0 in <anonymous function>(event) in http://s.supuhstar.operaunite.com/s/content/JS/scripttest.htm:
    return readIt();


Uncaught ReferenceError: getScriptPath is not defined
(anonymous function)scripttest.htm:6


File writing cannot be done with JS/CSS3/HTML5 alone for security reasons, otherwise people would be able to modify the js in FireBug and write a file. You would need to create an API of some sort using either server-side JS or a language such as PHP to handle the permissions, file names, file locations, etc…

As for reading, your file would have to be publicly accessible, otherwise you'll need it served by a server-side language such as PHP.

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