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php array function in class

I cant get this script to work, $users should hold the array data we take out of the database but it doesnt seem to work. Can anyone tell us what we are doing wrong? i posted the script bellow.


$users has to stay static becaus it gets used again later on in the script (this is just a small part)

$user1 does get the right data it just doesnt get passed on to $users


this is the intire script hope that helps


class SingleSignOn_Server

public $links_path;

protected $started=false;

protected static $brokers = array(
    'FGPostbus' => array('secret'=>"FGPostbus123"),

protected static $users = array();

public function query_personen(){

mysql_connect('host','user','pass')  or die("Kan helaas geen verbinding maken" . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('db') or die("Kan geen database selecteren");
$sql = mysql_query('select p_gebruikersnaam, p_wachtwoord, p_id, p_md5 FROM personen');

    while ($row_user = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
          self::$users[] = $row_user;


protected $broker = null;

public function __construct()
    if (!function_exists('symlink')) $this->links_path = sys_get_temp_dir();

protected function sessionStart()
    if ($this->started) return;
    $this->started = true;

    $matches = null;
    if (isset($_REQUEST[session_name()]) && preg_match('/^SSO-(\w*+)-(\w*+)-([a-z0-9]*+)$/', $_REQUEST[session_name()], $matches)) {
        $sid = $_REQUEST[session_name()];

        if (isset($this->links_path) && file_exists("{$this->links_path}/$sid")) {
            setcookie(session_name(), "", 1);
        } else {

        if (!isset($_SESSION['client_addr'])) {
            $this->fail("Not attached");

        if ($this->generateSessionId($matches[1], $matches[2], $_SESSION['client_addr']) != $sid) {

            $this->fail("Invalid session id");

        $this->broker = $matches[1];

    if (isset($_SESSION['client_addr']) && $_SESSION['client_addr'] != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) session_regenerate_id(true);
    if (!isset($_SESSION['client_addr'])) $_SESSION['client_addr'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

protected function generateSessionId($broker, $token, $client_addr=null)
    if (!isset(self::$brokers[$broker])) return null;

    if (!isset($client_addr)) $client_addr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    return "SSO-{$broker}-{$token}-" . md5('session' . $token . $client_addr . self::$brokers[$broker]['secret']);

protected function generateAttachChecksum($broker, $token)
    if (!isset(self::$brokers[$broker])) return null;
    return md5('attach' . $token . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . self::$brokers[$broker]['secret']);

public function login()

    if (empty($_POST['p_gebruikersnaam'])) $this->failLogin("No user specified");
    if (empty($_POST['p_wachtwoord'])) $this->failLogin("No password specified");

    if (!isset(self::$users[$_POST['p_gebruikersnaam']]) || self::$users[$_POST['p_gebruikersnaam']]['p_wachtwoord'] != md5($_POST['p_wachtwoord'])) $this->failLogin("Incorrect credentials");

    $_SESSION['user'] = $_POST['p_gebruikersnaam'];

public function logout()
    echo 1;

public function attach()

    if (empty($_REQUEST['broker'])) $this->fail("No broker specified");
    if (empty($_REQUEST['token'])) $this->fail("No token specified");
    if (empty($_REQUEST['checksum']) || $this->generateAttachChecksum($_REQUEST['broker'], $_REQUEST['token']) != $_REQUEST['checksum']) $this->fail("Invalid checksum");

    if (!isset($this->links_path)) {
        $link = (session_save_path() ? session_save_path() : sys_get_temp_dir()) . "/sess_" . $this->generateSessionId($_REQUEST['broker'], $_REQUEST['token']);
        if (!file_exists($link)) $attached = symlink('sess_' . session_id(), $link);
        if (!$attached) trigger_error("Failed to attach; Symlink wasn't created.", E_USER_ERROR);
    } else {
        $link = "{$this->links_path}/" . $this->generateSessionId($_REQUEST['broker'], $_REQUEST['token']);
        if (!file_exists($link)) $attached = file_put_contents($link, session_id());
        if (!$attached) trigger_error("Failed to attach; Link file wasn't created.", E_USER_ERROR);

    if (isset($_REQUEST['redirect'])) {
        header("Location: " . $_REQUEST['redirect'], true, 307);

    header("Content-Type: image/png");

public function info()
    if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) $this->failLogin("Not logged in");

    header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>', "\n";       
    echo '<user identity="' . htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['user'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '">';
    echo '  <p_id>' . htmlspecialchars(self::$users[$_SESSION['user']]['p_id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</p_id>'; 
    echo '  <p_md5>' . htmlspecialchars(self::$users[$_SESSION['user']]['p_md5'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</p_md5>';        
    echo '</user>';

protected function fail($message)
    header("HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable");
    echo $message;

protected function failLogin($message)
    header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized");
    echo $message;

if (realpath($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]) == realpath(__FILE__) && isset($_GET['cmd']))     {
$ctl = new SingleSignOn_Server();

At the very least you probably want to:

 self::$users[] = $users1[$row_user['p_gebruikersnaam']] = $row_user;

Since as is you where replacing the record every time and keeping only one.

You're building an array as a property of an object, but not using an instance of the object. You need to build a new instance ( $usersObject = new ObjectName; ), drop the static keywords, and instead of self:: , use $this-> . You also need square brackets after self::$users , like this: self::$users[] .

Shouldn't this self::$users = $users1[$row_user['p_gebruikersnaam']] = $row_user; be:

array_push($this->users, $row_user)

You could put directly the result into the array:

while (false === ($row_user = mysql_fetch_array($sql, MYSQL_ASSOC)))
    self::$users[$row_user['p_gebruikersnaam']] = $row_user;

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