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Need help in regular expression in java

Can somebody help me how to change the below regular expression in such a way that it doesn't allow hyphen and Apostrophe in the first and/or last position. Any help is appreciated.


(?<!['-])否定式的隐式断言 ,要求其前面的字符不匹配['-]


Java regex patterns: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html

Perhaps something like this, my regex is not the best and may need to be corrected.

public bool checkStringForHorA(String s){
 s.matches("\\^(-'\\).\\^(-'\\)") ? return true: return false;

The regex should check to see if it starts with a - or ', or if after 0 to many characters . it ends with ' or -. If it does then it will return a true, if it does not then it will return a false.

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