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what's the fastest way to get a large volume of data from an Oracle database into Java objects

What's the fastest way to get a large volume of data from an Oracle database into Java objects.

Are there any Oracle tricks as to the way the data should be organised?

I was thinking of using plain JDBC rather than any Hibernate style libraries?

Would it be better to get Oracle to produce a file and then read from the file - although this has to be done programatically.

All thoughts appreciated.

I am not a Java or JDBC expert, but if you plan on pulling a lot of rows down from a database, you will likely benefit by increasing the prefetch rows on the connection.

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:","user","password"); 

//Set the default row prefetch setting for this connection 

I believe the default for JDBC is to fetch one row at a time, so you're paying for a round trip to the database for each row fetched. (Note, I've seen documentation that suggests the default is 10 rows per round trip). Setting prefetch to a larger number will fetch more rows per round trip to the database. Speed increases can be dramatic depending on the number of rows and the performance of your network.

Depending on how far you want to go with this I'd imagine dropping jdbc and writing a custom application residing on the same machine as the DB using Oracle Call API and JNI would be the fastest...

It's probably much simpler to just use a plain prepared statment using JDBC and then if that's not enough (and depending on where the bottle neck is) try making a stored procedure. The caching done by ORM's like Hibernate should not be discounted though, so I guess you'd have to do some benchmarks. Also if the bottle neck is the database and you write a stored procedure which improves the read performance, then you could still use Hibernate to marshal the data to java objects. See Using stored procedures for querying

Whatever you wind up doing, design for/implement "lazy initialization" [really only applies for complex object hierarchies/networks; you said java objects (plural) so I'm imagining something more than just a single table that maps to a single object]. So basically, you are only reading in the objects that are needed at that time; when you run a getter method, then it does more db calls for just that data.

Another trick sometimes overlooked in the Java world is: if you have some complex sql coming from the code, you can rather create a view on the Oracle side, embedding that complexity there, then map your object to the view; so if you can flatten your object like the view, then you're in business.

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