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MySQL-proxy and basic failover (detect state)

I have just installed mysql proxy 0.8.2, and started playing with it. I am using it together with two MySQL 5.5 servers, listening on 3306, the proxy is running on 4040. Oh, and OS is Win 7 32-bit.

My problem is that that the mysql proxy checking the state of the servers doesn't seem like it should.

I start up the script, and it runs as it should. But when I shutdown the primary server, the script doesn't seem to recognize that - it still tries to connect to it...

Version information

mysql-proxy 0.8.2
chassis: mysql-proxy 0.8.2
glib2: 2.16.6
libevent: 1.4.12-stable
LUA: Lua 5.1.2
package.path: C:\ProgramX86\dev\mysql-proxy\lib\mysql-proxy\lua\?.lua
package.cpath: C:\ProgramX86\dev\mysql-proxy\bin\lua-?.dll
-- modules
proxy: 0.8.2*

My config

proxy-address = :4040
proxy-backend-addresses =,
proxy-lua-script = C:/ProgramX86/dev/mysql-proxy/failover3.lua
daemon = true

Failover lua script

function connect_server()
    if proxy.global.backends[1].state == proxy.BACKEND_STATE_DOWN then
        proxy.connection.backend_ndx = 2
        proxy.connection.backend_ndx = 1
    print ("s Connecting: " .. proxy.global.backends[proxy.connection.backend_ndx].dst.name)

function read_query(packet)
    if proxy.global.backends[1].state == proxy.BACKEND_STATE_DOWN then
        proxy.connection.backend_ndx = 2
        proxy.connection.backend_ndx = 1
    print ("q Connecting: " .. proxy.global.backends[proxy.connection.backend_ndx].dst.name)

It's because proxy.global.backends[1].state is still proxy.BACKEND_STATE_UP when the primary server is shut down. Someone said it will take 3 minutes to wait the back end response, instead of watching Mysql service all the time. I am trying to find a better way to solve the problem.

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