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Access and return data from restful webservice to jquery

i have this restful web service where i actually return a list<> in c#. Now i need to access it with jquery and ajax(this part done) what i haven't and i couldn't do is how to traverse the data and print it one by one on the jquery side. Any help will be much appreciated. UPDATE: having this code on my rest web service. Can you give me a sample code for the $.each function? because i can't seem to make it work. THANK YOU.

       List<Inventory> IService1.GetInventory()
        List<Inventory> list = new List<Inventory>(); using (SqlConnection testconn = new SqlConnection(connection))
            if(testconn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)

            using(SqlCommand testcmd = new SqlCommand("select * from inventoryitem",testconn))
                SqlDataReader reader = testcmd.ExecuteReader();
                while( reader.Read())
                    Inventory testObj = new Inventory();
                    testObj.InventoryName = reader["StandardCost"].ToString();
        return list;

You should be able to Serialize it as JSON:


Then iterate over it with an $.each() in jQuery.


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