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What is the trouble with this code? Why is it showing: Debug assertion failed! _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse)?

What is wrong in the code?

What change should I make in the code to make it defensive?


#ifndef _ARRAY_H_
#define _ARRAY_H_

class Array
    int * m_ArrayContainer;

    void AllocateMemoryOfSize(int size);
    void DeallocateMemory();
    void SetElementsIntoTheIndex(int index, int value);
    int GetElementFromIndex(int index);
    int operator [] (int index);



#include "Array.h"
#include <iostream>

Array :: Array()
    this->m_ArrayContainer = NULL;

void Array :: AllocateMemoryOfSize(int size)
    this->m_ArrayContainer = new int[size];

void Array :: DeallocateMemory()
    delete [] this->m_ArrayContainer;

void Array :: SetElementsIntoTheIndex(int index, int value)
    this->m_ArrayContainer[index] = value;

int Array :: GetElementFromIndex(int index)
    return this->m_ArrayContainer[index];

int Array :: operator [] (int index)
    return this->m_ArrayContainer[index];

Array :: ~Array()


#include <iostream>
#include "Array.h"

int main()
for(int i=0 ; i<250 ; i++)
    Array array1;
    array1.SetElementsIntoTheIndex(0, 10);
    array1.SetElementsIntoTheIndex(1, 10);
    array1.SetElementsIntoTheIndex(2, 10);

    /*array1.SetElementsIntoTheIndex(0, NULL);
    array1.SetElementsIntoTheIndex(1, NULL);
    array1.SetElementsIntoTheIndex(2, NULL);*/



The destructor calls DeallocateMemory() for the second time and that leads to delete[] being called for the second time with the same address which triggers undefined behavior. To guarg against this you should change

void Array::DeallocateMemory()
    delete [] this->m_ArrayContainer;
    this->m_ArrayContainer = 0;

so that when the destructor is called and it calls DeallocateMemory() a null pointer is delete[] d which is a no-op.

Btw you should at least prohibit copy constructor and operator= in your class by declaring them private and leaving unimplemented - your class doesn't support memberwise copying.

Because in each iteration of the loop you call delete[] twice on the same allocated array. Once via an explicit call to DeallocateMemory and once via the call in the destructor of Array .

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