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RedirectToAction not working in IE with jQuery

I have a problem with the RedirectToAction method.

I call the DeleteTalent action from my jQuery code and DeleteTalent calls RedirectToAction("MyBooks") action after deleting a talent to show refreshed content.

This works fine in Chrome and Firefox, but MyBooks action is not called in Internet Explorer. Can anyone tell me why.

Thank you.

`<script type="text/javascript">
var controller = "/MyBooks";
var action = 'ModifyTalent';

var temp = [];

$('input[name=Validate]').click(function () 

    $('textarea[name=presentation]').each(function () 
        var toPush;
        if ($(this).attr('id') == null) 
            toPush = { MyPresentationId: -1, Presentation: $(this).val() };
            toPush = { MyPresentationId: $(this).attr('id').split('_')[1], Presentation: $(this).val() };


    var presentations = JSON.stringify(temp);
    var talentId = $('[name=talent]').attr('id').split('_')[1];
    var talent = $('[name=talent]').val();
    var datas;

    if ($(this).attr('id') == -1) 
        action = 'CreateTalent';
        datas = 'id=' + $('#IdBook').val() + '&talent=' + talent + '&presentations=' + presentations;
        datas = 'id=' + talentId + '&talent=' + talent + '&presentations=' + presentations;

    url: controller + '/' + action,
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'html',
    data: datas,
    success: function (data) {


It looks like you are using an AJAX POST to call your controller/action.

RedirectToAction will not work when you use an AJAX post. I found this out when trying to do the same in JQuery Mobile which uses AJAX post.

RedirectToAction not working

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