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Grabbing a body class element and turning it into a PHP variable

I am theming a new site using Responsive Design techniques and mostly using CSS Media Queries and this has worked really well. However in some cases I need to get the width of the browser and I do that by adding an <html> class with this nifty bit fo JQuery:

    (function($) {
        //add drupal 7 specific code
        Drupal.behaviors.getWidthTheme = {
            attach: function(context, settings) {
                //end drupal calls

var w, html = $('html'), _window = $(window);
function onResize() {
w = _window.width();
if (w >= 310 && w < 480 )  html.addClass('mobile-320').removeClass('mobile-768').removeClass('desktop').removeClass('mobile-480');
else if (w >= 481 && w < 768 )  html.addClass('mobile-480').removeClass('mobile-768').removeClass('desktop').removeClass('mobile-320');
else if ( w >= 768 && w < 960 ) html.addClass('mobile-768').removeClass('mobile-480').removeClass('desktop').removeClass('mobile-320');
else html.addClass('desktop').removeClass('mobile-480').removeClass('mobile-768').removeClass('mobile-320');


The code above injects a class into the <html> element, eg <html class="mobile-320"> etc... depending on the width of the browser or device.

What I'd like to do is grab that class and somehow convert it into a PHP variable so I can switch off some code. Ideally it would be something like this:

<?php if ($mobile-320): ?>
<!--do something-->
<?php else : ?>

<?php if ($mobile-480 || $mobile-768 || $desktop): ?>
<!-- do some other thing -->
<?php endif;  ?>

Ideally these classes are grabbed from the HTML class that's been rendered. However, I am not sure this can work as PHP needs to render on the server whereas I am injecting the HTML class via JQuery. I am basically open to any way of doing this, not set on what I have above but hopefully you get the idea.

I am not quite sure I understand, but maybe you can set off another ajax request, sending the name of the class you just inserted. the response of the php could be json-data to control what you need to execute next, or it could be html/javascript directly. it would help to see more of your html/javascript.

  { className: $('html').attr('class') }, 
     if( phpResult.switchOffA == true ) $('.divsel').hide(); //or what not

Why cant you do your switch-statement directly in javascript, without asking the server, and what is it going to do with the information afterwards?

You can put all classes in an array and pass that array in data :

var classes = $('html').attr('class').match(/\w+/g);
    type: 'post',
    url: 'url.php',
    data: {
        classes: classes
    success: function() {
        // Blabla

Btw, your first piece of code can be reduced if you only have those classes in $('html') :

if (w >= 310 && w < 480 ) { html.removeClass().addClass('mobile-320'); }

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