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PHP + Smarty database results

I need to get some info from my database and display it in .tpl (smarty file). My sample code: PHP code:

global $smarty;
$db = Db::getInstance();
$this->_sql = 'SELECT `clientName`, `clientWebsite`, `clientFeedBack` FROM `ps_feedBackPresta` WHERE `confirm`="1" AND `approve`="1"';
$config = $db->getRow($this->_sql);
$smarty->assign('feedBacks', $config);

And my smarty code:

<a href="{$feedBacks.clientWebsite}" title="{$feedBacks.clientName}">{$feedBacks.clientName}</a><br />

Output result: 图1

With this code everything works fine (include with cyrillic) but when I try to output more results wiht {foreach} and this code in my .tpl:

{foreach $feedBacks as $feedBackss}
        <a href="{$feedBackss.clientWebsite}" title="{$feedBackss.clientName}">{$feedBackss.clientName}</a><br />

The result is: 图2

So where is my false and how to fix it? It's my second day of headbanging :)

BR, George :)



I suspect the problem lies with $config = $db->getRow($this->_sql); . You're selecting a single row, not an array of them. get all the rows and your foreach will work. When in doubt, test with $config = array($db->getRow($this->_sql));

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