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C# Image processing: Image similarity

I was wondering if you would be kind enough to tell me if what I am attempting is Possible and which image processing library would be best suited to the task.

I am programming a web application in c # and i wish to compare an object in an uploaded image to the images stored in a mysql database and arrive to the closest match.

For Example: The user uploads an image of a mobile phone, crops the image to focus mainly on the mobile phone. Now I have loads of images in the database and I would like to compare the user's cropped image to find a matching image in the database that contains a similar (close match) mobile phone.

I was thinking: 1) Object detection in user's uploaded image 2) Segment the images from the database and find carry out similarity tests.

This is just ideas and I was wondering if you might be able to guide me as to what library to use and which features.

Thanks in advance,

使用SURF ,我很确定Google会将它用作护目镜

We had a similar requirement in our winforms demo. We tried some toolkits and ended up using a commercial toolkit named leadtools. They have correlation functions that can compare images with all the areas of the same dimensions in another image. For more information, see this link: http://www.leadtools.com/help/leadtools/v175/dh/po/leadtools.imageprocessing.core~leadtools.imageprocessing.core.correlationcommand.html

The recognition of a small subset of objects such as barcodes, peoples, faces is hard enough - but to automate the recognition of an arbitrary set of objects is even harder. Certainly not the subject for an image processing beginner! If you really need this functionality, I would recommend buying software for this task:

A quick Google search finds:

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