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How to use Javascript to automatically save the images on the website with Chrome extension?

Method 1.

-- use the iframe.

  1. Create an iframe, when pressing the save button.
  2. set the "src" property to a url of an image on the website.
  3. invoke the iframe.document.execommand. //useless, it seems the execommand is only for IE.

Method 2.

-- use a canvas

  1. Create a canvas
  2. Draw the image into the canvas.
  3. invoke toDataURL // Security Error

  "name" : "...",
  "version" : "1",
  "description" : ".....",
  "content_scripts" : [{
    "matches" : ["http://domain/p/*"],
    "js" : ["i.js"],
    "css" : ["i.css"]
  "permissions": [

Is there any other way to handle the problem?

It's a very old question, but since then chrome.downloads API became a thing.

It's sufficient to extract URLs of all the images you're interested in, and pass them to chrome.downloads.download . Please note that you may need to set a referrer in some rare cases.

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