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Using the ternary operator for multiple operations

How can I use the ternary ? : ? : condition to perform multiple operations, if expression is true/false?

wbsource = (exp) ? (Do one thing) : (Do second thing) wbsource = (exp) ? (Do one thing) : (Do second thing) wbsource = (exp) ? (Do one thing) (Do second thing) : (Do second thing) wbsource = (exp) ? (Do one thing) (Do second thing) : (Do second thing)

For eg:

Why can't I perform three operations between ? and :

filename = (fp!=null) ? fp; Properties.Settings.Default.filename=fp; Properties.Settings.Default.Save; : Properties.Settings.Default.file;

With simple if condition, I would have written in a simple way like:

filename = fp;
filename = Properties.Settings.Default.file

What's a sweet short way to write using the above ternary operator?

Why can't I perform three operations between ? and :

Because these are operands , which are expressions . Each expression evaluates a value; you want multiple statements . From Eric Lippert's blog post about foreach vs ForEach :

The first reason is that doing so violates the functional programming principles that all the other sequence operators are based upon. Clearly the sole purpose of a call to this method is to cause side effects.

The purpose of an expression is to compute a value, not to cause a side effect. The purpose of a statement is to cause a side effect. The call site of this thing would look an awful lot like an expression (though, admittedly, since the method is void-returning, the expression could only be used in a “statement expression” context.)

You should absolutely write this using an if block. It's clearer.

If you really, really want to use the conditional operator for this, you could write:

// Please, please don't use this.
Func<string> x = () => {
    Properties.Settings.Default.filename = fp;
    return fp;

string filename = fp == null ? Properties.Settings.Default.file : x();

The conditional operator, which is a ternary operator (not a unary operator), is not a replacement for an if statement. It is an operator that returns one of two results. While you can chain this to some extent:

var result = someBool ? "a" : (otherBool ? "b" : "c");

That gets a little hard to read. Further, you're trying to call the Save() function, which does not return a result, hence you cannot use it with this operator.

If you really, really want to, you could use a function which has side effects :

filename = (fp!=null) ? DoOneThing(...) : DoAnotherThing(...);

Though whoever maintains your code won't thank you.

If this was c you'd be OK thanks to the "comma operator" :

int b;
int a = (1==1) ? (b=6, somemethod(), 1) : (b=7, 2);

Here b will be set to 6, somemethod will be called and then a is set to 1.

Thankfully that was one feature that was not ported over, use if..else it's much clearer.

Short answer, use an if block, its the only sane thing to do.

Other answer, for the dirty, smelly insane individual.

filename = (fp!=null) ? Func<string> {fp = Properties.Settings.Default.filename; Properties.Settings.Default.Save; return fp;} : Properties.Settings.Default.file; 

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