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Working with TPL Using Embedded Tasks

I am running a process on a separate thread to facilitate concurrency and a smooth user interface calling

private void ThreadedTestConnection(SqlConnection conn, bool bShowErrMsg)
    Task<bool> asyncTestConn = Task.Factory.StartNew<bool> 
        (() => TestConnection(conn, bShowErrMsg)); 
    return asyncTestConn.Result;

from the UI thread. However, the 'wait' caused by return asyncTestConn is stopping the UI thread being release back to the GUI. I have come up with the following fix. From an event fired from the GUI I have (not including try / catch blocks)

private void SomeClick_Event(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Task testConnection = Task.Factory.StartNew
        (() => UtilsDB.ThreadedTestConnection(mainConn, true));

This works. That is, it returns control to the GUI immediately whilst running the test on a seperate background thread. Am I being a very foolish boy in doing this, or is this Okay?

Note: This is a seperate question but related to this one I have not recived a satasfactory answer for.

很好,您只是在启动一个“即发即弃”任务,该任务将在线程池线程上运行-但是,在第一个示例中,您似乎期望得到一个结果(我假设是一个布尔值,指示连接测试是否成功) -第二秒钟您将没有任何内容-除非您的任务(例如引发事件或调用预定义的回调)。

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