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Serialization - What is the advantage of using ObjectStreamField [] serialPersistentFields?

For class that implements Serializable interface there are 2 ways to define what specific fields get streamed during the serialization:

  1. By default all non-static, non-transient fields that implement Serializable are preserved.
  2. By definning ObjectStreamField [] serialPersistentFields and explicitly declaring the specific fields saved.

I wonder, what is the advantage of the second method except for the ability to define specific fields order?

Luckily, I'm actually writing this up right now.... Besides the advantages mentioned (and I don't know much about unshared), writing your own output format seems to have the following advantages:

  • Allows conditional output (different uses for serialization, such as persistence and copying, can serialize different parts of the object).
  • Should be faster, use less memory, and in some cases use less disk than the default mechanism (this is from Bloch's Effective Java 2 ).
  • Allows you to rename variables in a serialized class while maintaining backwards-compatibility.
  • Allows you to access data from deleted fields in a new version (in other words, change the internal representation of your data while maintaining backwards-compatibility).

I've seen the documentation you're quoting, and mentioning just those 2 options is a bit misleading and leaves quite a bit out: you can customize your serialization format in 2 ways, by using the ObjectOutput/InputStream interface to write and read fields in a particular order (described in Bloch), and using the PutField and GetField classes to write and read fields by name. You can use serialPersistentFields as your quote mentions to extend this second method, but it's not required unless you need to read or write data with a name which is not a member variable name.

There's a 3rd way to control format as well, using the Externizable interface, though I haven't explored that much. And some of the advantages can also be gotten through Serialization Proxies (see Bloch).

Anyone feel free to correct me on details if I missed anything.

The 'advantage' is that it does what it says in the Javadoc: defines which fields are serialized. Without it, all non-transient non-static fields are serialized. Your choice.

The advantage is you can conditionally populate ObjectStreamField at runtime albeit only once per JVM lifecycle to determine which fields should be serialized.

private static final ObjectStreamField [] osf;
static {
    //code to init osf

In serialPersistentFields you can specify fields that are not necessarily present in the class anymore.

See for example the jdk class java.math.BigInteger , where several fields are read and written which don't exist anymore in the class. These obsolete fields are still read and written for compatibility with older versions. The reading and writing of these fields is handled by the readObject() and writeObject() methods.

See also http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/platform/serialization/spec/serial-arch.html#6250

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