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how can you take an ArrayList of chars and return all those elements from the ArrayList into a String

This is the code for trying to answer my question. I'm kind of new with ArrayLists. I used a for loop trying to read every element from the Arraylist and put it in the new String "full" but this won't compile. I need some editing. I don't think this code properly works. I used .add so that I can try adding the elements from the String List to String full. This is what tried to do so far.

public void String() {

   ArrayList<Character> StringList = new ArrayList<Character>();
   String full;           
   for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
   return full;

看一下StringBuilder类,特别是append方法: http : //docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/lang/StringBuilder.html

I suggest

  • only use methods which are documented in Javadoc.
  • Use StringBuilder to build Strings, not ArrayList of Characters.
  • Don't call methods String and use camelCase for variables.
  • Don't access ArrayList as if it were an array, use get(i)

One effective way is to append each character to the string:

String myString = "";
for (Character c : myList) {
    myString += c;

If myList.toString() gives: [a, b, c, d, e, f] , then myString gives: abcdef .

There is no .add(String) method in String class as far as i can remember.

But getting elements out of the ArrayList , is this what you are looking for?


Normal way would be:

ArrayList<Character> StringList = new ArrayList<Character>();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(char c : StringList) sb.append(c);

and here is another way to do it:

ArrayList<Character> StringList = new ArrayList<Character>();
System.out.println(StringList.toString().replaceAll("[, \\[\\]]", ""));


  1. Use lowerCamelCase as naming convention for name of variables and methods.
  2. Use get(index) of ArrayList to retrieve elements. Don't use it like array. It will not work (eg StringList[i] is invalid use StringList.get(i))
  3. Read the Java Doc
  4. Always try to read and errors (if getting any)

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