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SSRS2005 Report works in builder and manager, but not in viewer

I have a report that I built in VB2005. It works perfectly in the report builder, and it works in the report manager on the server.

I have an aspx page, however, with a report viewer and it returns 0 results.

The report renders, but returns no data.

Here is my SQL Code:

SELECT        v_rpt_Company.Company_Name, SO_Activity.Subject, SO_Activity.Notes, SO_Activity.Date_Closed, SO_Activity.Last_Update, v_rpt_Member.Member_ID, 
                         v_rpt_ActivityType.SO_Activity_Type_Desc, v_rpt_ActivityStatus.SO_Act_Status_Desc
FROM            v_rpt_Company LEFT OUTER JOIN
                         SO_Activity ON v_rpt_Company.Company_RecID = SO_Activity.Company_RecID LEFT OUTER JOIN
                         v_rpt_Member ON SO_Activity.Assign_To = v_rpt_Member.Member_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
                         Company_Team ON v_rpt_Member.Member_RecID = Company_Team.Member_RecID AND 
                         v_rpt_Company.Company_RecID = Company_Team.Company_RecID LEFT OUTER JOIN
                         v_rpt_ActivityType ON SO_Activity.SO_Activity_Type_RecID = v_rpt_ActivityType.SO_Activity_Type_RecID LEFT OUTER JOIN
                         v_rpt_ActivityStatus ON SO_Activity.so_act_status_recid = v_rpt_ActivityStatus.SO_Act_Status_RecID
WHERE        (@acctmgr <> 'true' OR Company_Team.AcctMgr_Flag = 1) AND 
                         (SO_Activity.Assign_To = @member) AND (v_rpt_ActivityStatus.SO_Act_Status_Desc = CASE WHEN @act_status IS NULL 
                         THEN v_rpt_ActivityStatus.so_act_status_desc ELSE @act_status END) AND ((@company = '') OR (v_rpt_Company.Company_RecID = @company)) AND (SO_Activity.Last_Update >= CONVERT(datetime, @date_start, 101)) AND (SO_Activity.Last_Update <= CONVERT(datetime, @date_end, 101))
GROUP BY v_rpt_Company.Company_Name, SO_Activity.Subject, SO_Activity.Notes, SO_Activity.Date_Closed, SO_Activity.Last_Update, v_rpt_Member.Member_ID, 
                         v_rpt_ActivityType.SO_Activity_Type_Desc, v_rpt_ActivityStatus.SO_Act_Status_Desc
ORDER BY v_rpt_Company.Company_Name, SO_Activity.Last_Update DESC

Here is my asp.net code:

<div style="text-align:center;border-style:solid;border-width:3px; width:auto;height:auto;">
    <rsweb:ReportViewer ID="ReportViewer1" runat="server" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt"
        Height="700px" ProcessingMode="Remote" Width="100%" ShowParameterPrompts="False">
        <ServerReport ReportPath="/path/report" ReportServerUrl="http:myserver/reportserver" />

And here is my C#:

     * Retrieve parameters from URL and send them to the report
    private void getParametersFromURL()
        //Load Parameters from URL
        //Requests that are commented, are commented because of lack of ConnectWise Support
        String[] parameters = new String[7];
        parameters[0] = Request.QueryString["acctmgr"];
        parameters[1] = Request.QueryString["member"];
        parameters[2] = Request.QueryString["details"];
        parameters[3] = Request.QueryString["act_status"];
        parameters[4] = Request.QueryString["company"];
        parameters[5] = Request.QueryString["date_start"];
        parameters[6] = Request.QueryString["date_end"];

        //Create Parameter Collection Array
        Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter[] reportParameterCollection = new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter[parameters.Length];
        //Loop through each parameter and load the name and value into the parameter collection
        int i = 0;
        foreach (String parameter in parameters)
            reportParameterCollection[i] = new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter();
            reportParameterCollection[i].Name = getParameterName(i);

        //Load Parameters into the ReportViewer

     * Takes the index of the element in the parameter array 
     * then returns the correct parameter name to return to the report viewer
    public String getParameterName(int number)
        switch (number)
            case 0:
                return "AcctMgr";
            case 1:
                return "member"; 
            case 2:
                return "details";
            case 3:
                return "act_status";
            case 4:
                return "company";
            case 5:
                return "date_start";
            case 6:
                return "date_end";
                Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>alert('Error: getParameterName(number) failed. Parameter #: " + number + ");</script>");
                return "error";

I fixed it. The problem was act_status

According to reportviewer, apparently a url string with &act_status=&... Does not mean that act_status = NULL .

So I changed my SQL to reflect empty string as opposed to NULL.

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