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how to get an image in jersey rest web service

My listBo class

public class ListBO {

public String itemName = "";

public String itemType = "";

public String itemImg = "";

public String itemPrice = "";

public int itemId;

     * @return the itemName

public String getItemName() {

return itemName;

     * @param itemName the itemName to set

public void setItemName(String itemName) {

this.itemName = itemName;

     * @return the itemType

public String getItemType() {

return itemType;

     * @param itemType the itemType to set

public void setItemType(String itemType) {

this.itemType = itemType;

     * @return the itemImg

public String getItemImg() {

return itemImg;

     * @param itemImg the itemImg to set

public void setItemImg(String itemImg) {

this.itemImg = itemImg;


public void setItemId(int itemId) {

this.itemId = itemId;


public String getItemPrice(){

return itemPrice;


public void setItemPrice(String itemPrice) {

this.itemPrice = itemPrice;


My listjson class


public class ListJson {         




public List<ListBO> getList(){

System.out.println("Called Main JSON");

List<ListBO> lists = new ArrayList<ListBO>();

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

ListBO items = new ListBO();


items.setItemName("Chicken :"+i);

items.setItemType("Type :"+i);

items.setItemPrice("Price :"+i);






return lists;


i can add image like this but it doesnot return an image please helpme..

/*@Path("/image") class ImageService {

private static final String FILE_PATH = "c:\\images.jpg";




public Response getFile() {

File file = new File(FILE_PATH);

ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok((Object) file);


"attachment; filename=image_from_server.jpg");

return response.build();


} */


how to return an image and where can i store an image give me an example..

you can't return an image in a JSON object. JSON is not meant for binary data. your web service should return JSON containing a field that is a reference to the image, a URL. then the code that consumes the web service must get the URL from the JSON and fetch the image from the URL.

{ imageUrl: "http://foo.com/image.png" }

it's hard to say exactly what you are doing without more information. you also might want to re-tag this as jersey or resteasy, not android. i think the code you posted is a jersey resource, looking at the annotations.


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