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master page link's background colour is changing in Internet explorer but not working in Mozilla Firefox

I have one link whose background colour has to change when I click on it. So I have used a JavaScript function to do this,but it is working in Internet explorer but not changing in Mozilla Firefox.

The code is below:

function hilite() {
    Trend.style.background= "#000000";

Here trend is the id of the Link tag.


<a id="Trend" style="color: #FFFFFF;
 text-decoration: none;" href="ATrendAnalysis.aspx">Trend Analysis</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;

Cs file:

 ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "ScriptRegistration1", "hilite();", true);

In this case:

 Trend.style.background= "#000000";

"Trend" is a JavaScript variable, which is not defined. This is NOT referencing an element in the DOM.


document.getElementById('Trend').style.background= "#000000";

You could also try to apply some styles to the link using CSS by using the pseudo-class selector :active.

:Active would apply the defined style (in your case, it would be change its background color) only while the link is being pressed.

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