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PHP How to echo the result of a fetch outside a while-loop

I am new to Object Oriented PHP. Currently I am making a login script and am stuck at fetching & echo'ing the results. This is my script:

$stmt = $db->mysqli->prepare("select User from `users` where User = ? AND Password = ?");
$stmt->bind_param('ss', $username, $password);
$num = $stmt->num_rows;

if ( $num !== 1 ) {
    echo 'no result';
} else {
    echo 'Your username: '. $username ;


As you can see I am not fetching a result in the script above. I tried using $stmt->fetch() in a while-loop prior to the $num !== 1 .

However, the result of the fetching is "stored" as an array (I think), even though inside the while loop you don't use an array (just $username ). What I want: echo the result of the select query OUTSIDE a while loop. Just as it is possible in the old fashioned way (assuming there is only 1 result, therefore no while-loop necessary):

$result = mysqli_query( $conn, $query );
$record = mysqli_fetch_array( $result );
echo $record['username'];

You need to accses to object variable:

echo $stmt->User;

Or you can save variable for later:

$user = $stmt->User;

After ending of your loop your $user will hold the value.

You can use $stmt->get_result() to do that, eg

$result = $stmt->get_result();

$record = $result->fetch_assoc();
echo $record['username'];


Another method is to call fetch after bind_result


echo $username;

Old fashion way:


From the php manual: print_r

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