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php foreach loop multidimensional array having issues

I'm having problems getting values in my multidimensional arrays

    [0] => Array
            [name] => Brandow & Johnston, Inc.
            [lat] => 34.051405
            [lng] => -118.255576

    [1] => Array
            [name] => Industry Metrolink Train Station
            [lat] => 34.00848564346
            [lng] => -117.84509444967

    [2] => Array
            [name] => The Back Abbey
            [lat] => 34.095161
            [lng] => -117.720638

    [3] => Array
            [name] => Eureka! Burger Claremont
            [lat] => 34.094572563643
            [lng] => -117.72184828904


Lets say I have an array such above

And I'm using a foreach loop such as below

foreach($_SESSION['array'] as $value){

    foreach($valueas $key_location=> $value_location){

        if($key_location = "name"){$fsq_name = $value_location;}
        $fsq_lat = $value_location["lat"];
        $fsq_lng = $value_location["lng"];

        echo "<i>".$fsq_lat."</i><br/>";



I've tried using the if statement, or using $value_location["lat"]; but its not producing the correct values.

If I do if($key_location === "lng"){$fsq_lng = $value_location;} with three equal signs, it'll give me errors for a few iterations and then produce the lng results. if I just do one equal sign and echo it out, it'll give me the name key as well.

Am I missing something?


You don't actually need the inner foreach loop. The outer one is sufficient, since it iterates over arrays. The inner arrays can be accessed by key inside the outer foreach .

foreach($_SESSION['array'] as $value){
  $fsq_name = $value["name"];
  $fsq_lat = $value["lat"];
  $fsq_lng = $value["lng"];

  echo "<i>".$fsq_lat."</i><br/>";

  // Actually none of the above assignments are necessary
  // you can just:
  echo "<i>".$value["lat"]."</i><br/>";

Maybe refactor a bit?

foreach($_SESSION['array'] as $value)
    // pull the lat and lng values from the value
    $fsq_lat = $value["lat"];
    $fsq_lng = $value["lng"];
    $fsq_name = $value["name"];

echo "<i>".$fsq_lat."</i><br/>";

}// foreach

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