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How create proxy class from wsdl?

C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 \ VC> svcutil wsdl.wsdl / out: Proxy.
Microsoft (R) Service Model Metadata Tool
[Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Communication Foundation, Version 3.0.4506.2152]
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Error: Can not import wsdl: portType
Details: Generated an exception at run time extension of import WSDL:
Error: element complexType "http://api-new.begun.ru/index.php:Region" is already a Listing
XPath to Error Source: / / wsdl: definitions [@ targetNamespace = 'http://api-new.be
gun.ru / index.php '] / wsdl: portType [@ name =' AdvertiserServicePortType ']

Error: Can not import wsdl: binding
Details: Failed to import wsdl: portType, on which the wsdl: binding.
XPath to wsdl: portType: / / wsdl: definitions [@ targetNamespace = 'http://api-new.begun
.ru / index.php '] / wsdl: portType [@ name =' AdvertiserServicePortType ']
XPath to Error Source: / / wsdl: definitions [@ targetNamespace = 'http://api-new.be
gun.ru / index.php '] / wsdl: binding [@ name =' AdvertiserServiceBinding ']

Error: Can not import wsdl: port
Details: Failed to import wsdl: binding, which depends on the wsdl: port.
XPath to wsdl: binding: / / wsdl: definitions [@ targetNamespace = 'http://api-new.begun.
ru / index.php '] / wsdl: binding [@ name =' AdvertiserServiceBinding ']
XPath to Error Source: / / wsdl: definitions [@ targetNamespace = 'http://api-new.be
gun.ru / index.php '] / wsdl: service [@ name =' AdvertiserService '] / wsdl: port [@ name =' Adve
rtiserServicePort ']

Generating files ...
Warning: No code was generated.
If you were trying to generate a client, this could be because the metadata docu
ments did not contain any valid contracts or services
or because all contracts / services were discovered to exist in / reference assembl
ies. Verify that you passed all the metadata documents to the tool.

Warning: If you would like to generate data contracts from schemas make sure to
use the / dataContractOnly option.

how to fix it? I need proxy class in C#



I guess the wsdl references some other files (.xsd ?) that aren't in same directory.

Update: First error about Region is there because Region is defined twice (lines 253 and 274).
Update2: RegionArray is also declared twice. Client proxy generation works by removing the two twice declarations and using wsdl.exe : wsdl.exe wsdl.wsdl /out:Proxy.cs .

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