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HTML in QMessageBox

I have an action which create QMessageBox. In that dialog I want to print a list, which contains several items. I have the following code:

void MainWindow::onAboutActivated(){
qDebug() << "about";
                   "Autor: \n"
                   "<li> Item 1 </li>"
                   "<li> Item 2 </li>"
                   "<li> Item 3 </li>"

However this does not print the list, but text with html tags. How can I print the list? Any ideas?

Don't mix newlines \\n with html-tags. Change the newlines to <br> and then the text format is automatically recognized.

It seems you are setting the dialog title instead of dialog contents. This works for me:

void MainWindow::onAboutActivated(){
qDebug() << "about";
QMessageBox::about(this, "Dialog Title",
                   "Autor: \n"
                   "<li> Item 1 </li>"
                   "<li> Item 2 </li>"
                   "<li> Item 3 </li>"

The default text format for QMessageBox is Qt::AutoText which should detect html tags inside your string, so you should be able to continue using the about static method without the need to instantiate a QMessageBox object.

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