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JSF @ManagedProperty doesn't work

On various places they said that you should use @ManagedProperty to get a request parameters. The problem is that I try to get the token from the request string but it somehow stays null all the time.

The link where the page is with called looks like this:


The bean:

@Named(value = "bean")
public class Bean implements Serializable {

    private AccountBean account;
    private Service web;
    @ManagedProperty(value = "#{param.token}")
    private String token;
    @ManagedProperty(value = "#{param.ID}")
    private String id;

    public void init() {
        System.out.println("token: " + token);

The page

<ui:define name="content">
        <pou:commandButton action="#{bean.test()}" value="complete"/>

And other things I tried:

Map<String, String> e = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();

This doesn't contain the request parameters also. Same goes for all the facesContext things where you can get requests with.

Help will be appreciated.

PS I can't change anything behind the? cause its called from a program not in my reach

Okay made it work.

@Inject to pass params to a CDI @Named bean via URL

This was the solution just needed to add a few more things to my site

<ui:define name="content">
        <h:inputHidden value="#{bean.token}"/>
        <h:inputHidden value="#{bean.id}"/>
        <pou:commandButton action="#{bean.test()}" value="complete"/>

And remove the #{param.xxx} part from the naming

@Inject @HttpParam
private String token;
@Inject @HttpParam(value = "ID")
private String id;

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