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How do I correctly timing out an observable?

Using an observable from event, I download the latest weather from a web service. I tested this out on the phone and emulator at home and it works fine. I brought the project with me to work and ran it using the emulator there. Now i'm not sure it its a firewall or what but it doesn't seem to get the weather, it just sits there forever, trying. So it got me thinking that if this was ever to happen on a phone then I need some kind of timeout in that if it can't get the weather in say 10 - 15 seconds then just give up.

Here is the example code so far

IObservable<IEvent<MyWeather.GetWeatherCompletedEventArgs>> observable =
          Observable.FromEvent<MyWeather.GetWeatherCompletedEventArgs>(Global.WeatherService, "MyWeather.GetWeatherCompleted").Take(1);

        observable.Subscribe(w =>

            if (w.EventArgs.Error == null)
               // Do something with the weather


How can I get this to time out safely after a given time if nothing is happening?

You should use FromEventPattern (not FromEvent ) so I've changed your observable to:

var observable =

You could then do this:

var timeout =
        .Select(_ => (EventPattern<MyWeather.GetWeatherCompletedEventArgs>)null);

    .Subscribe(w =>
        if (w != null && w.EventArgs.Error == null)
           // Do something with the weather

How about Observable.Timeout ? It should do what you want, or?

observable.Subscribe(w => ...).Timeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).Catch<>(...);

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